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WE-I Certification Refresher (Full Program)

The WE-I Certification Refresher Training Program offers a comprehensive and immersive learning experience for individuals who want to refresh their knowledge and skills in utilizing the WE-I Profile. This program provides an updated training experience, allowing participants to gain validation and maximize the benefits they can provide to their clients.

Duration: 14 Weeks

Cost: $795

Curriculum and Program Structure: The program spans over 14 weeks and consists of various components designed to enhance participants' understanding and application of the WE-I Profile. It includes an orientation, eight weeks of hybrid learning with online modules and live sessions, four weeks of practical application, and a graduation phase.

Hybrid Learning Approach: Participants will engage in a dynamic learning environment through a combination of online modules and live sessions. The online modules provide comprehensive content to deepen understanding. At the same time, the live sessions offer interactive discussions, exercises, and opportunities for real-time feedback and guidance from our experienced Master Practitioners and trainers.

Practical Application Phase: During the practical application phase, participants will have the chance to put their skills into practice. They will engage in activities such as practice client interpretation, debrief practice, and evaluation. Throughout this phase, they will receive valuable feedback and guidance from our Master Practitioners and trainers, ensuring they develop proficiency in using the WE-I Profile.

Weekly Triad Meetings: As part of the program, participants will participate in weekly triad meetings. These meetings serve as a platform to foster supportive communities of practice, allowing participants to collaborate, share insights, and learn from one another. Many previous participants have found the triad meetings to be one of the most enjoyable and beneficial aspects of the training.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs): Upon completion of the certification quizzes, program attendance, and fulfillment of certification requirements, participants will be eligible to receive 40 CEUs.

Key Distinctions: It is important to note that this program is the full WE-I Certification Training program offered to new trainees, but at a special refresher price. By enrolling in this refresher program, participants can access the rich and rigorous curriculum that typically requires a time commitment of 2-3 hours outside of the weekly 90-minute live sessions. Additionally, participants will receive a WE-I Profile to use with a practice client, further enhancing their learning experience.

Please note that the cost of taking the WE-I Profile and receiving a debrief is not included in the program fee. This additional service is available at an extra cost of $390.

Who Should Attend: The WE-I Certification Refresher Training Program is ideal for individuals who haven't used the WE-I Profile recently and would like to immerse themselves in an updated training experience. It is also suitable for those who seek validation in their usage of the WE-I Profile to ensure they maximize the benefits it can bring to their clients.

Join us for this comprehensive 14-week refresher program and unlock new proficiency levels in utilizing the WE-I Profile to enhance your practice and positively impact your clients' lives.