Jennifer Garvey Berger — Unleashing Our Complexity Genius: How We Grow Our Inner Capacity

podinar Oct 10, 2022
Jennifer Garvey Berger

Jennifer Garvey-Berger, the founder of Cultivating Leadership and author of three highly acclaimed books, joins us for a Heal The Divide Podinar to share how we can discover inner resources that help us make sense of and thrive in this complex and difficult world we're in right now. And how we can craft the conditions and help our clients to craft the conditions in our lives to handle complexity with more grace and joy.


In this episode, we talk about:

➡️ How our nervous systems handle complexity
➡️ An overview of the eight complexity geniuses
➡️ A deep dive into three of the geniuses
➡️ Easy-to-implement practices for coaching your clients to live and lead well amidst complexity
➡️ Coaching Demonstration: Growing our inner capacity


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Resources Mentioned 

Unleash Your Complexity Genius: Growing Your Inner Capacity to Lead


About the Guest 

Jennifer designs and teaches leadership programs, coaches senior teams, and supports new ways of thinking about strategy and people. In her three highly acclaimed books, Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps, Simple Habits for Complex Times (co-authored with Keith Johnston), and Changing on the Job, Jennifer builds on deep theoretical knowledge to offer practical ways to make leaders’ work more meaningful and their lives more fun. Jennifer has worked with senior leaders in the private, non-profit, and government sectors around the world (like Novartis, Google, KPMG, Intel, Microsoft, Wikimedia, and the New Zealand Department of Conservation).

Jennifer also supports executives one-on-one as a leadership coach. Over the last decade, Jennifer has developed the Growth Edge Coaching approach. She supports clients to find their current growing edge and then make choices about how they want to develop. She teaches coaches around the world transformational and developmental coaching approaches in her Growth Edge Coaching certification series. Jennifer speaks at leadership and coaching conferences, and she offers occasional courses for coaches at universities all over the world like Harvard University, the University of Sydney, and Oxford Brookes University. Jennifer has a masters and a doctorate from Harvard University.

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