Coaching as Instrument: Why Is this Happening?
Mar 22, 2022
This Week's Attunement
What do you believe about why what's happening in Ukraine is happening?
How is whatever you believe impacting your experience of it?
How clear are you on what you believe and its source?
As coaches, we know that we thread our experience through whatever we believe. But where do our beliefs come from?
Historically, intentional "belief" has been the domain of religion (yet, religions can have agendas of their own). And conditioned belief has been the result of past experiences and our interpretation of them. So, to me at least, it feels important that all of us, maybe especially us coaches, know and choose what we believe.
I stumbled upon what I believe when I was creating our Mindful Coach Certification Program. This is what I believe and how I came to it. I started by asking, "Why do humans need to exist? What purpose do we serve?"
If there is a Consciousness, a Higher Power, a God (and I believe there is), and if that Consciousness, Higher Power or God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, then what is the point of it creating anything? If you know and can control everything that will ever happen, what is the point?
I go to the scientist and astrophysicist Carl Sagan for my answer:
"The cosmos is within us; we're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself."
Humans are a way for Consciousness to know itself. And, all the acts of courage and kindness, brutality and abuse, joy, sorrow, love, fear, and all the births and deaths are ways for Consciousness to know itself.
And sometimes, all we humans can do is accept and honor who and what is by bearing witness, extending love and compassion to all, and acting to relieve suffering if and as we can.
It's dreadful and horrific what's happening in Ukraine. And we can honor it by finding the space within us that allows us to be with it and bear witness to it as it is.