Coach as Instrument: Creating the Space to Feel

coach as instrument Apr 25, 2022


This Week's Attunement 


What's Inspiring Me
So I can continue to do what I do and inspire my clients as well

"You cannot heal what you do not feel."
Auschwitz survivor and author of The Choice, Dr. Edith Eger


I spent last week working with a group of internal OD professionals who support a couple of the major health care systems in Canada.

They are smart, dedicated, capable and compassionate humans who've been supporting a system that's been under intense stress for more than two years. They were tired.

And as we (Shani and I) held space for them and honored who they were, what they'd done, and what they'd been through, they began to feel. They began to feel the feelings that they had tucked away for months because they just had to keep on keeping on. By creating the space and allowing them the time to feel, they began to process their experience, individually and collectively.

This is how we heal. I sense that many of us humans across the planet are silently waiting for another shoe to drop, not yet ready to drop our guard, to reflect upon and feel what we've tucked away. And for many of us, it's time. We don't know what the future will bring and we will face it with greater presence by processing what we've experienced.

One of the most important things we can do for our clients is to simply inquire into and hold space for their experience. We don't have to help them get anywhere or achieve any goal. We can simply be fellow humans on a difficult journey, walking alongside each other. Holding each other up. Creating the space to feel.

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