Coach as Instrument: Coaching as Encouraging an Organic Process
Jun 10, 2022This Week's Attunement
Over the 18 years or so I've been coaching, my view of what I'm doing and what's happening when I'm coaching has changed a lot.
When I started, I thought my role was to, "get my clients somewhere" or "add value," or "get my clients to see something."
My perspective on all that has changed.
Now, I see coaching as encouraging an organic process that is already and always underway.
What does that mean? I explain it further in this 7-minute video.
The easiest way I can explain it, is through the lens of the Hero's Journey. (If you are unfamiliar with the Hero's Journey, you can learn more about it here).
The Hero's Journey itself reveals that we humans are always, consciously or non-consciously, evolving (or at least being invited to evolve). That as humans, life is our curriculum and we learn to become the fullest expression of ourselves by first facing our hidden selves, those parts of ourselves that we've rejected, dismissed, discounted or neglected.
When we are coaching, our clients are (consciously or non-consciously) bringing their hidden selves to our sessions. And it's our work to see what our clients might know about what seems to be wanting to emerge.
Our supporting our client's own noticing of their emergence is what allows for an organic process to unfold within the client and for their integration and expression.
We explore all this and more in our Mindful Coach Certification Program. I hope you'll join us.