Coach as Instrument: Coaching as a Calling (or Perhaps a Scrawny Cry)

coach as instrument Sep 26, 2022


 This Week's Attunement 


"I don't ask for the full ringing of the bell. I don't ask for a clap of thunder that would rend the veil in the temple.  A scrawny cry will do, from far off there among the willows and the cat-tails, from far off there among the galaxies."  
 — Wallace Stevens


Do you feel that your work as a coach is a calling?

Is coaching something you sense you "were meant" to do?

Many coaches have told me they would never have predicted when they started out in life that they'd become a coach and that their coaching journey was a "zig-zaggy" one. And they go on to say that somehow, all that zig-zagging resulted in preparing them ideally for what they do now. Do you feel that way?

Perhaps coaching is not a calling for everyone who coaches (and that's ok). And for those of us that do experience coaching as a calling, we can at times find ourselves asking the question, "How precisely do I do this thing I've been called to do?" (We coaches like clarity. :) )

So we take many trainings to learn coaching frameworks and approaches and get certified in many tools to take the guesswork out of it all. We keep learning new things because we want to be really good at this work we've been called to do.

And yet, if we are called to do this work, perhaps there is something about US that is already perfect. Maybe we are called upon because we possess a quality of being that is suited to this work.

Do you know what it is about you that makes you perfect as a coach? Do you know what you do as a coach that gets in the way of the coaching?

Do you know the difference between the two? If you do, will you please teach me? Kidding... sort of. :)

We'll explore all of these questions in our free class Coach as Instrument.

If you want to coach from a deeper place within or discover something new within yourself as a coach in order to hold space for your clients in a way that allows for their greatest unfolding, join us for Coach as Instrument: A Mindful Approach to Coaching.