An On-Demand Training

The Intersection of the WE-I Profile and Narrative Coaching

Mapping Client Narratives to the WE-I Profile

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About This Course


The Intersection of The WE-I Profile and Narrative Coaching is a self-paced exploration for Certified WE-I Practitioners intended to enhance the impact of your WE-I Profile debriefs and coaching, and give you the skills to help your clients create a new conscious narrative that better serves them.

You’ll learn basic, introductory principles of Narrative Coaching, how to identify the dimensions of the WE-I Profile in your client’s language, and how to coach your clients in the areas of the WE-I Profile they don’t access.

Also, you’ll learn to help your client identify the limiting narratives beneath their WE-I Profile and support them in creating a new narrative that serves them better.

Upon completion of this course, you’ll have the skills to reveal what’s hidden in your client’s inner world, giving them a renewed sense of awareness and agency over it.


As a Certified Practitioner, you know that:

The stories clients tell reveal their relationship to themselves, others and the world.


How do we discover what that relationship is, how malleable it is, and how to work with it to create new possibilities for our clients?

When clients do take the WE-I Profile, they sometimes don't relate to their results.

How do we help them relate to their result?

After taking the WE-I Profile, it can be easy for clients to lose sight of what they learned.

How do we keep their results and the awareness created from them, alive for them?

We can't always give every client the WE-I Profile


How do we give them insights into their internal experience without it?

In this experiential mini-training, you will gain competency in:

  • Detecting the dominant dimensions of your client’s internal experience through their narrative
  • Asking questions of your clients to create awareness of the perspectives they are missing in the dimensions they don’t access or have low access to
  • Identifying the limiting narratives beneath your clients’ WE-I Profile
  • Supporting your clients in creating new narratives which serve them better

How It Works

This on-demand course is broken into two modules. Each module is designed to take you about 1-2 hours and is comprised of a series of videos and a corresponding learning guide for you to track your learning and responses along the way. 

In module one you will:

  • Discern the narrative that corresponds with self-other orientation, and positive/negative orientation in the WE-I Profile. 
  • Identify the signs that that narrative is operating in your client and its cost. 
  • Approaches to coach each narrative and how to coach your clients to see what they're missing.

In module two you will:

  • Explore your own narratives and consider how you might want to rewrite some of them.
  • Continue to play with identifying narratives along with an aspect of internal experience
  • Consider how you might help your clients create new narratives. 

Help your clients create new conscious narratives that better serve them.

The Intersection of the WE-I Profile and Narrative Coaching


On Demand


Alison Whitmire

PCC, President of Learning In Action and Master WE-I Practitioner


Alison Whitmire is committed to healing what divides people.Alison is a leader in the field of emotional and relational intelligence.

She is a Professional Certified Coach, Master WE-I Practitioner, and Certified Narrative Coach. She serves on the faculty of Moment Institute teaching Narrative Coaching and is certified as a 200 RYT Yoga Teacher, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, and Breathwork Teacher.

Alison has been a TEDx speaker and a three-time TEDx Conference organizer.

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