Go Deeper Faster with the WE-I Practitioner Certification

When we and our clients become aware of our hidden patterns, we open a pathway to deeper connections and unlock the potential for transformational change. The WE-I Practitioner Certification training offers a way to do just that.

Virtual, 14-Week Certification Training

 September 10 - December 10, 2024

You have a variety of tools to help your clients see their behavior and impact on others more clearly.

But how can you hold up the mirror to your client’s internal experience, especially when it’s largely outside of their own awareness?

How can you help your clients see the common denominator of what’s not working in their lives when they can’t see it, don’t want to see it, or don’t have a language for it?

Instead of struggling to find ways to help your clients see how they are getting in their own way, you can develop the ability to help them bust through the internal obstacles that are keeping them stuck in their patterns and accelerate their progress towards life-giving relationships, aligned purpose, and reaching their goals and dreams.

In the WE-I Practitioner Certification program, our approach begins with intentionally holding space for your experience and supporting you in developing your own self-awareness, so you can connect with all parts of yourself and live, relate and coach from a place of integration.

Because when you work with your internal experience and embedded narratives, you can experience a transformative experience in yourself and gain the expertise to create the same transformational experiences with your clients.

As part of this illuminating experience, you’ll be trained to understand and facilitate the clarifying lens of the WE-I Profile, a simulation-based instrument that tracks and captures our internal experience under stress, revealing what we can’t see about ourselves and how our reactions influence how we relate to others.

You’ll gain the ability to see your clients' patterns of thinking, feeling, and wanting, and detect the common denominator of their relational experience, empowering you to go deeper faster in weeks instead of months to facilitate transformative change.


Discover how to help your clients transform their experiences, consciously create their relationships and have a greater impact on their professional and personal life.


As a Certified WE-I Practitioner, You Will...

  • Gain an understanding of how you are shaped in relationship and how that affects how you experience your life
  • Gain clarity about how your past experiences and relationships continue to impact the experience of your life (and may be impacting your coaching)
  • Learn to connect your clients’ narratives with how they are relating to themselves and others.
  • Learn how to discern the common denominators of your clients’ derailing behaviors.
  • Learn the foundation of Learning In Action’s WE-I that applies universally (in personal and professional settings).
  • Earn a certification to facilitate a life-empowering WE-I instrument, the WE-I Profile, that will give your clients more power and choice in their lives.

“The course was so much more than expected. Alison and her team at Learning in Action did an amazing job. Excellent instruction with lots of case studies and experience. You will be surprised at the depth and breadth of the WE-I Profile, and the insights it brings.”

- Julie Kothlow

“I use my Learning in Action training with virtually every single one of my clients. The training and techniques I received are like a swiss army knife, providing me with a variety of useful tools that allow me to perform my work with clients faster, easier, and with more depth. The training has allowed me to have deeper, more comprehensive, and more robust conversations with clients that move them forward faster.”

— Bruce Leamon

“Learning in Action’s training really does unlock the ability to dive in deeply with a client early in the coaching process. It gives both coach and client an understanding and a language for the complex, inner landscape within all of us.”

— Carla Greenan

A rich, rigorous, deeply impactful program…

The WE-I Certification Training is a live, highly interactive, and experiential 14-week experience presenting a cutting-edge curriculum designed to introduce you to a unique niche of coaching that will support you in securing more coaching engagements requiring deep WE-I expertise.


The WE-I Profile Experience

Complete the WE-I Profile instrument, a real-time simulation, receive your WE-I Profile report, and a 60-minute interpretation of your results with one of our Certified Master Practitioners for visibility into your own internal landscape under stress. By taking the WE-I Profile before training, you will begin to explore your own default patterns under stress, which is your first step in understanding the WE-I Profile in its entirety.


How We Are Shaped in Relationship

In the first two modules, you’ll dive deeply into how our brains are shaped and understand how our triggers, habitual patterns, and narratives form. You’ll discover the Journey of Relational Awareness and how it relates to your clients' path as they move towards growth and accomplishing what they want in their lives.


A Deep Dive Into the WE-I Profile

In modules 3 - 5, you’ll be introduced to the WE-I Profile, its dimensions, how it captures and reflects our patterns, and how to interpret patterns reflected in your clients’ WE-I Profile results. You’ll take a deep dive into the WE-I Profile as an instrument and be guided through what it measures: empathy compassion and empathy accuracy, self/other orientation, access to our range of feelings, positive/negative orientation, and how we balance our wants, thoughts, and feelings.


Integrating the WE-I Profile

Modules 6 - 7 are experiential and practical — you will gain a hands-on understanding of WE-I Profile interpretations for clients and receive supportive evaluation and feedback. You’ll take a test drive with an actual client and be guided through implementing the WE-I Profile in your work.


A Deeper Dive Into WE-I Profile Interpretations, WE-I Profile Debriefs, and Integration

In the final modules, we will continue the hands-on practice of WE-I Profile interpretations for clients, we’ll discuss reflections and you’ll receive supportive evaluation and feedback. And you’ll prepare for and complete an oral exam.

You'll also receive...

  • 40 ICF CCEs (25 Core Competencies and 15 Resource Development)
  • A certification to facilitate the WE-I Profile, an instrument that’s been utilized by professionals to define and create a deep understanding of what they and their clients are experiencing internally.
  • A certificate of completion, WE-I Certification badge, and a social media kit for you to share your expertise and accomplishment!
  • A listing on Learning In Action’s Practitioner Network where you can showcase your practice and get connected with new clients looking for a WE-I coach.
  • An exclusive invitation to our Certified WE-I Practitioner community, Circle

What Makes the WE-I Practitioner Training Unique?

Low Student-to-Teacher Ratio

Our student-to-teacher ratio and small personalized classes are two of the features that make our WE-I Certification Training unique. Training cohorts include anywhere from 15 to 25 trainees, and we incorporate learning partner meetings and breakout rooms to support an immersive learning experience.

We’re With You Every Step of The Way

Our team is committed to connecting with you on a weekly basis to provide personalized assistance, answer questions, and support you in integrating what you learn. We collect your feedback throughout the program to ensure it’s tailored to your needs and that your experience is rewarding. 

Hands-on Guidance Using the WE-I Profile

We all know the saying: practice, practice, practice. And neuroscience proves this is true. For this reason, hands-on and guided practice with the WE-I Profile is incorporated heavily into this program. You will receive a free WE-I Profile, and we will guide you through facilitating it with a practice client.

A Balance of Interactive and Engaging Experiences

Using a strategic combination of live sessions, Q&A, interactive exercises, reflection, and breakout rooms, you’ll be transported into a meaningful and connected experience that will continue with you long after our 13-week journey.

A Rich Learning Environment

WE-I certification training cohorts consist of senior executive and leadership coaches, consultants, organizational development professionals, HR executives new to WE-I, and Certified WE-I Practitioners returning for a refresher. Sessions are led by our co-faculty of Certified Master WE-I Practitioners with extensive experience in WE-I Profile interpretations. 

The spectrum of this training experience creates a rich and interactive learning environment — you will encounter opportunities for real-time feedback and various perspectives and approaches from knowledgeable professionals.

New to WE-I?

The Power of WE-I

WE-I is a term that refers to the ability to be present, connected, and mindfully in relationship with another. WE-I is rooted in the belief that we are already, always at the deepest level, connected with each other.

At Learning in Action, we seek to help people develop their WE-I by revealing the ways in which they are protecting and defending themselves (in ways they may not see) and supporting them in returning to mindful relationships with themselves and others.

Executive Coaching

This unique, experiential 14-week virtual training is especially for…

  • A coach or consultant who wants to do deep, meaningful work to make a powerful difference in the lives of their clients and is willing to take a bit of personal risk to do it.

  • An organizational development professional who wants to learn about themselves and their clients, navigate cultural challenges, and increase change potential within their organization.

  • An HR or corporate executive who wants to leverage relationships, shared experiences, and interpersonal awareness to improve effectiveness at an individual and team level.

  • A therapist or counselor who wants to feel confident in their ability to give their clients a different perspective on how they are moving through life.

  • Those who are courageous, empathetic, whole-hearted — and seek to have deeper, more comprehensive, and robust conversations with clients that move them forward faster.


Training Schedule

September 10 - December 10, 2024

Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. PT/6:30 p.m. ET

Discover the transformative power of WE-I in an intimate, "like-in-person" experience as you explore your own relational and emotional patterns and learn how to effectively coach your clients.

Plan for both weekly 90-minute virtual learning sessions and an estimated 4-5 hours per week outside of virtual sessions to engage in learning triads, readings, and exercises to support your ability to implement the WE-I Profile at a skilled level effectively.



Can’t make a session?

The entire program is live, virtual, and recorded. The live sessions are available in the learning portal, complete with downloadable resources, learning partners, and Q+As. And if you can’t make it live, don’t worry! You’ll have unlimited access to the recordings, so you can catch up on the replays (or watch again!) whenever you like.


Start Your Journey


Payment Plan


3 monthly payments


Pay In Full


One Time Payment


Your satisfaction is important to us. If you have questions about refunds or need to cancel or reschedule your training, please contact us here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions?
If you have any additional questions about the training, email us here.

Meet The Instructor


Alison Whitmire

PCC, President of Learning In Action and Master WE-I Practitioner

Alison Whitmire is committed to healing what divides people. Alison is a leader in the field of emotional and relational intelligence. She is a Professional Certified Coach, Master WE-I Practitioner, and Certified Narrative Coach. She serves on the faculty of Moment Institute teaching Narrative Coaching and is certified as a 200 RYT Yoga Teacher, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, and Breathwork Teacher. Alison has been a TEDx speaker and a three-time TEDx Conference organizer.